• Paulo Sergio Rodrigues de Paula UNIFIEO; FGW
  • Felipe Brito Fernandes Graduado em Psicologia (Faculdade Anhanguera SJC)
  • Giovani Anselmo M. Pelógia Graduado em Psicologia (Faculdade Anhanguera SJC)


This article aims to analyze the movie “Prayers for Bobby” (2009), directed by Russell Mulcahy under the focus of Meyers' Theory of Minority Stress. The methodology used was filmed content analysis, consisting of the separation and choice of scenes of the film that contribute to the analysis of the theme of the movie. Therefore, the analysis was divided into four scenes, the first refers to the stressor identified as an experience of victimization, the second, in turn, to the internalized homophobia stressor, then the third, the stressor of concealment of sexual orientation. Lastly describes the scene of suicide as a consequence of the stress experienced by the protagonist of the cinematographic work. It was concluded that throughout the film it is possible to verify that Minority Stress occurs not because the person simply belongs to a minority group, blaming the victim for her suffering, but rather to a society that presents a series of social stigmas directed at people who are not heterosexual.

How to Cite
Rodrigues de Paula, P. S., Brito Fernandes, F., & Anselmo M. Pelógia, G. (2020). "PRAYERS FOR BOBBY". Revista Científica Faculdade Unimed, 2(2), 50-58. https://doi.org/10.37688/rcfu.v2i2.129