• Ricardo Santos de Oliveira Unimed Ribeirão Preto
  • Jairo Rosa e Silva Junior Unimed de Ribeirão Preto


 Objective. The admissibility of new members is a topic of national relevance for the entire UNIMED system, and it is imperative that new proposals are discussed and put into practice in the singular ones, in a transparent and equal way. This article aims to discuss the new process of admission of new members of UNIMED of Ribeirão Preto, instituted from 2018. Methodology. This is a descriptive and retrospective study. The collected data were stored in the Microsoft Office Excel ® 2016 software program, for analysis and subsequent construction of tables. The process of admission of cooperative members was established based on 4 steps, namely: I) creation of a working group involving the Technical Council and Legal Advisory; II) presentation of the process; III) By-laws change and definition of criteria / specialties; IV) elaboration and publication of the Public Notice and conclusion of the process. Specific variables were defined for the establishment of the medical specialties contemplated in the selection process, using a specific instrument, which included the following variables: age (median), areas with a low number of members or considered strategic, demand for consultations according to the rules of the National Health Agency, availability of emergency duty (24h) and request for the specialty. The specialty score ranged from 0 to 11, subdivided into three categories, according to the need for new members in the area: 0-4 (low); 5-7 (medium) and between 8-11 (high). The selection process for admissibility of new members consisted of 4 phases: 1) evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae (weight 4); 2) evaluation of the candidate's documentation (weight 2); objective multiple-choice written assessment containing 50 questions (weight 4); 4) cooperative course for candidates approved in the previous phases and limited to the number of vacancies offered in the public notice Results. From March 2018 to May 2021 the admission process for new members of UNIMED in Ribeirao Preto was done. According to the medical specialties and areas of activity defined by the Federal Council of Medicine, 77 vacancies were allocated to uncooperative doctors. For that, objective criteria were defined and each specialty obtained a score defined as low, medium and high. From the adopted criteria, 33 specialties and / or areas of medical practice were selected. There were a total of 94 candidates registered and, in the third phase (written test) 86 candidates were eligible (91.4%), with 81 candidates attending. A total of 47 candidates were invited to the 4th phase (cooperative course), in order of classification considering the previous phases and in the proportion of vacancies offered. Conclusion. The admission and training of new members is a technical assistance for the public selection for the affiliation of doctors, which strengthens the cooperative governance and adjusts the cooperative actions to the needs of UNIMED. This action makes it possible to preserve the quality of the provision of services to its beneficiaries, as well as to respect the requirements of Organs regulatory bodies of the civil order and in supplementary health. The new admission process for UNIMED Ribeirao's members proved to be efficient, transparent, technical and egalitarian. It is necessary that the practices adopted in the cooperative are registered in the bylaws, and the modus operandi for entering the cooperative must be stated in an objective manner.


Author Biographies

Ricardo Santos de Oliveira, Unimed Ribeirão Preto

Graduado em Medicina pela Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Neurocirurgião e Membro Titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Neurocirurgia. Doutor, Pós Doutor e Livre-Docente da Faculdade de  Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Médico Assistente da Divisão de Neurocirurgia do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, desde 2000. Cooperado da Unimed de Ribeirão Preto, desde 2001. Membro do Conselho Técnico da Unimed de Ribeirão Preto, desde 2019. MBA em Gestão em Saúde pela Faculdade Unimed.

Jairo Rosa e Silva Junior, Unimed de Ribeirão Preto

Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Uberlândia. Residency in Internal Medicine at Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Residency in Cardiology, Arrhythmias and Pacemaker at the Instituto de Cardiologia Dante Pazzanese. Member qualified by SBC and SBCCV in Arrhythmias and Pacemaker. Assistant Physician at HCFMRP-USP from 1992 to 2017. Assistant Physician at Núleo de Especialidades - NGA - Cardiology Area at Ribeirão Preto City Hall from 1992 to 2017. MBA in Health Management from Faculdade Unimed 2015-2017 . Cooperative Physician at Unimed Ribeirão Preto since 1993. Coordinator of the Technical Council of Unimed Ribeirão Preto from 2019 to 2021 and member of the Board of Directors (2021 to 2023).

How to Cite
Oliveira, R. S. de, & Rosa e Silva Junior, J. (2021). IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROCESS FOR ADMISSION OF NEW COOPERATED AT UNIMED DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO. Revista Científica Faculdade Unimed, 3(1), 32-47.