RN 443/2019


  • Danilo dos Santos Matos Faculdade Unimed
  • Anderson Pereira dos Santos
  • Paulo Roberto de Azevedo Bicalho
  • Paulo Roberto Fontes
  • Edelimar Figueiredo Rosa


The worldwide cooperative organizations undergo constant and rapid technological, economic,
social, political and cultural innovations, making it essential to break with management
practices. The objective of the work was to develop the strategic structuring of Corporate
Governance of Unimed Governador Valadares as a management tool of the cooperative for
senior management focusing on monitoring and development programs of cooperative
management and structuring for evolution as RN 443/2019 of the National Agency of Health.
What is clear is the need to adhere to good Corporate Governance practices, even if not
compulsory to companies, as a result of their objective. Finally, it can be considered that in
corporate governance combined with the cooperative's strategic role, it is possible to evaluate
the returns on investments and their level of disclosure (“desire to inform”) and proprietary
structure influence. From these ideas, then, it is defined that the knowledge society has as its central point the “knowledge”, because “knowledge, as a production force, represents the very
important point of prominence among the central countries. Thus, it can be inferred that Unimed
Governador Valadares is a solid and socially responsible medical work cooperative that upholds
the Brazilian and international Corporate Governance principles.

Author Biographies

Danilo dos Santos Matos, Faculdade Unimed

Farmacêutico, Mestre em Ciências Biológicas, Especialista em Educação a Distância, MBA em Gestão Empresarial e MBA em Gestão Estratégica de Cooperativas. Agente de Desenvolvimento Cooperativista (ADC), Lead Auditor Certification ABNT NBR ISO 9001, Pratictioner em Programação Neurolinguística e History Telling, Certificação Compliance CPC-A. Gestor da Unimed Intrafederativa Leste Nordeste de Minas Gerais e responsável pelos processos de certificações ISO 9001/2015, NR 277/2011) e ONA (2018), Gestor de Governança Corporativa, Qualidade, Estratégia e Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Humano (NDH) na Unimed Governador Valadares - MG. Professor Universitário em mais de 20 disciplinas de graduação e pós-graduação em Enfermagem, Farmácia, Administração e Cooperativismo há mais de 12 anos no sistema Unimed e Cooperativista. Docente do Sescoop MG, Sescoop BA e Faculdade Unimed nas áreas de Cooperativismo, Gestão Estratégica, Governança Corporativa, Conselho de Administração e Conselho Fiscal com foco em Governança Corporativa.

Anderson Pereira dos Santos

Médico, Diretor Unimed Governador Valadares 2017-2020.

Paulo Roberto de Azevedo Bicalho

Superintendente Unimed Governador Valadares

How to Cite
dos Santos Matos, D., Santos, A. P. dos, Bicalho, P. R. de A., Fontes, P. R., & Rosa, E. F. (2019). RN 443/2019. Revista Científica Faculdade Unimed, 1(2), 54-67. https://doi.org/10.37688/rcfu.v1i2.68